32nd meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-32) to the IAI

Provisional Agenda

32nd meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-32) to the IAI


22 and 23 May 2024




Provisional Agenda

Agenda Item Document
Day 1, 13:00-15:40 UYT
Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Opening of the meeting
13:00 – 13:15 UYT
Opening remarks by Governments of Bolivia and Canada  No document
Opening remarks by the Executive Director  No document
Election of the Bureau of CoP-32 No document
Administrative matters
13:15 – 13:50
1 Approval of the agenda  IAI/COP/32/1  English - Spanish

Approval of the report of the 31st meeting of the Conference of the Parties and

of the report of the 2024 extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties

IAI/COP/32/2a English - Spanish

IAI/COP/32/2b English - Spanish

3 Establishment of a committee to recommend candidates for the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) for the elections, on the second day of CoP-32  No document
4 Financial Reports
a. Annex 1: Overview of the Financial Status for FY 2023-2024  IAI/COP/32/4a English - Spanish
b. Annex 2: Core Budget and Country Contributions for FY 2024-2025 and Preliminary request 2025-2027  IAI/COP/32/4b English - Spanish
c. Annex 3: Auditors Report  IAI/COP/32/4c English - Spanish
d. Annex 4: Report of the Financial and Administrative Committee (FAC)  IAI/COP/32/4d English - Spanish
Executive Council
13:50 – 14:20
5 Report from the Executive Council 
a. Report of the Financial Working Group IAI/COP/32/5a English - Spanish
b. Headquarters of the IAI Directorate IAI/COP/32/5b English - Spanish
14:20 – 14:40

Thematic session co-hosted by Bolivia and Canada:

Indigenous Global Change Science 
14:40 – 15:40

Presentations by:

Canada: English / Spanish
Chile - VA
Report back from the workshop on 21 May: Indigenous Language and Biodiversity Indicators 

Day 2, 13:00 - 16:50 UYT
Thursday, 23 May 2024
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Science Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC)
13:00 – 13:30
6 Election of SAC Members  No document
7 Joint Report of the SAC/SPAC  IAI/COP/32/7 English - Spanish 
Report of the IAI Directorate
13:30 – 15:10

New Associates - Article XI: Associates of the Institute 

- Center for Climate and Resilience Research

- FAPESC's (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina)



IAI/COP/32/8 English - Spanish

Information document


IAI Directorate summary report

a) Science 

     -Update on partnership with the Belmont Forum and collaborative research actions (CRAs)

b) Capacity Building, the Science Diplomacy Center and the STeP Program

c) Communication 

IAI/COP/32/9 English - Spanish
d) Updates on the new IAI Strategic Plan IAI/COP/32/9d English - Spanish
e) Implementation of EDI decision and the new advisory committee of indigenous peoples and local communities  IAI/COP/32/9e English - Spanish
10 Open data and open science IAI Policy  IAI/COP/32/10 English - Spanish
11 Formal procedures for granting Observer Status at the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research  IAI/COP/32/11 English - Spanish
15:10 – 15:20

Thematic session co-hosted by Bolivia and Canada:

Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience
15:20 – 16:30

Presentations by:
USA: English - Spanish
Canada: English - Spanish

Outstanding items and conclusion of meeting
16:30 – 16:50
12 Time and venue of the next regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties, Paraguay 2024 No document
13 Closing remarks (Parties, Observers, IAI Directorate)  No document
14 Closing of meeting: Representative from the Governments of Bolivia and Canada (7 min) No document



IAIUYDIR/2024/13: Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) nominations received and elections English - Spanish

IAIUYDIR/2024/09: Invitation to CoP-32 side events and special sessions English - Spanish

IAIUYDIR/2024/05: Invitation to Parties, Associates and the Scientific Advisory Committee to submit nominations for representatives to the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) English - Spanish - Annex Spanish - Annex English

IAIUYDIR/2023/34: Dates of the 32nd meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-32) and 57th meeting of the Executive Council (EC-57), Videoconference English - Spanish







Click here for time and Zoom instructions





List of Participants


Informe final

Preliminar report of CoP-32

Información logística


Side Event

Indigenous Language and Biodiversity Indicators, hosted by Canada,

21 May 2024, 10:00am - 12:00 pm UYT.

To participate in this workshop please contact Jose Arias-Bustamante (Jose.AriasBustamante@ec.gc.ca).

This workshop will provide a platform for sharing experiences and lessons learned from developing and applying Indigenous languages as biodiversity indicators in Canada and Latin America. The objectives are: 

  • To exchange knowledge and best practices on the methods, tools, data sources, challenges, opportunities, and impacts of developing and applying the use of Indigenous language as biodiversity indicators.  
  • To explore the potential for collaboration and networking among the workshop participants and their communities for fostering the development of biodiversity indicators based on Indigenous languages. 

The workshop will bring with Indigenous people, engaging expert Indigenous knowledge keepers and Indigenous scholars from across Canada and Latin America in group discussions focused on Indigenous Languages and Biodiversity Indicators.   We invite and encourage Parties to nominate Indigenous knowledge holders to participate in this workshop. Indigenous knowledge holders interested in participating are asked to please contact Jose Arias-Bustamante (Jose.AriasBustamante@ec.gc.ca) by Friday, 26 April 2024. 

Side Event

Biodiversity and Health Interlinkages, convening the the Convention on Biological Diversity,

21 May 2024, 1:00pm – 2:00pm UYT.

Register here

This event will offer an in-depth exploration of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as a multilateral environmental agreement and its role in shaping national biodiversity strategies through the 2022 Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework. It will provide insights into the forthcoming CBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia, in October 2024, highlighting the anticipated central outcome: a global action plan on biodiversity and health. Attendees will gain understanding of the interlinkages between biodiversity and human health, along with environmental-health risks and challenges. The event will provide an update on the intergovernmental process to draft a global action plan on biodiversity and health, following formal peer review and initial intersessional negotiations earlier in May.
