Summary For All: How to secure a liveable future for all

“Summary For All: How to secure a liveable future for all” is the third summary of the report of Working Group II of the Sixth evaluation cycle of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that the IAI makes available to the public in Spanish. The document explains the concept of Climate Resilient Development as a way to face the challenge of climate change.

The good news is that we still have options to face that challenge and decide what our future should look like. There are solutions, but it is not easy to apply them because you have to combine many different tasks and interests at the same time. These challenges affect all of us who live on this planet and also future generations.

The report presents a roadmap, a framework of solutions for a climate-resilient, low-carbon, and sustainable future based on scientific knowledge and ancestral and communal knowledge.

Understanding these new concepts is important because we must act immediately with effective strategies to limit climate change as much as possible, adapt to changes we cannot avoid, and fight inequality and injustice while caring for and strengthening nature. With each increase in global temperature, our options to address its effects are reduced.

The download link for " Summary For All: How to secure a liveable future for all” is:


The original document in English is available at:

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