SINCERE - Task 4.2. Flagship for Latin America

09:00 – 9:45 h : Introduction- Presentations by organisers
 Welcome, introduction to the objectives and background
 Tour de table
 Presentation of Task 4.2 of SINCERE, stressing the aim of building a structure dialogue for research collaborations between JPI Climate and LAC Community
 Background and identification of common interests according to the JPI Climate SRIA and EU LAC Common Research Area (CRA) JIRI (Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation) Biodiversity and Climate Change Working Groups development
9:45- 10:00 h Coffee break
10.00 – 12:00 Session 1: Scoping- Moderated by organizers
 Interview with JPI Climate TAB members, BiodivScen PIs and other scientists: what are the priority areas of knowledge regarding climate?
 Collective exercise to elaborate a Joint vision on thematic priorities - To identify synergies and common topics for collaboration between JPI Climate and LAC
 Social Sciences
 Climate science
12:00-12.45 h Lunch
12:45 – 14:30 h Session 2: Towards implementation- Moderated by organizers
 Interview with T-AP (Trans-Atlantic Platform): Joint vision on collaboration modalities
 Possible modes of collaboration building on existing and new activities to reach common goals (including modalities, timing, relevant instruments and other initiatives to engage)
 Barriers for implementation, concerns from scientific community to be communicated to funding agencies with regard implementation of any joint action
14:30- 15:00 h Next steps and wrap up, including outlook to workshop 2 (to be confirmed).
Workshop dynamic: depending on the number of attendees, break- up groups, shared Sticky Notes and whiteboards will be used to foster participation. It is expecting an active participation from attendees in sessions 1 and 2.

1 The JPI Climate Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) sets out three overarching challenges and one strategic mechanism that together are intended to develop and support excellent, innovative, relevant and informative climate research (
2 Transdisciplinary Advisory Board (TAB):
3 Parallel break out groups or consecutive sub-sessions or specific dynamic to be determined depending of number and profile of attendees
4 T-AP represents the major funding agencies on SHH research in Latin- America, North America and Europe