Paruelo, J.M, Texeira, M., Staiano, L., Mastrángelo, M., Amdan, L., Gallego, F.
- 2016 - An integrative index of Ecosystem Services provision based on remotely sensed data.DOI:
Paruelo, J.M, Texeira, M., Staiano, L., Mastrángelo, M., Amdan, L., Gallego, F.
- 2016 - An integrative index of Ecosystem Services provision based on remotely sensed data.Pan, W. K., López-Carr , D.
- 2016 - Land use as a mediating factor of fertility in the Amazon.Melgar, A.C., Vicuna,, s., Gironás,, J., Varady,, R. Scott, C. A.
- 2016 - Scientists, Policymakers, and Stakeholders Plan for Climate Change: A Promising Approach in Chiles Maipo Basin.Nahuelhual, L., F. Benra, F. Rojas, G. Ignacio Díaz, and A. CarmonaLaura Nahuelhua, Felipe Benra Ochoa, Fernanda Rojas, G. Ignacio Díaz, Alejandra Carmona 
- 2016 - Mapping social values of ecosystem services: What is behind the mapMurray, F., Baldi, G.,  Von Bernard, T., Viglizzo, E. F., Jobbágy, E.
- 2016 - Productive performance of alternative land covers along aridity gradients: Ecological, agronomic and economic perspectives.Murgida, A.M., Laham, F.M., Chiappe, C.J.P., Kazimierski, M.A.
- 2016 - Desarrollo Territorial bajo Sequía y CenizasMüller, O.V.,  Lovino, M., Berbery, E.H.
- 2016 - Evaluation of WRF Model Forecasts and their Use for Hydroclimate Monitoring over Southern South America.Miranda, J., Weinhouse, C., Carrillo-Larco, R., & Yan, L.
- 2016 - Capitalizing on natural experiments in low- to middle-income countries to explore epigenetic contributions to disease risk in migrant populations.Miranda, J.J., Bernabé-Ortiz, A., Diez-Canseco, F., Málaga, G., Cárdenas, M.K., Carrillo-Larco, R.M., Lazo-Porras, M., Moscoso-Porras, M., Pesantes, M.A., Ponce, V,. Araya, R., Beran, D., Busse, P., Boggio, O., Checkley, W., García, P.J., Huicho, L., León-Velarde, F., Lescano, A.G., Mohr, D.C., Pan, W., Peiris, D., Perel, P., Rabadán-Diehl, C., Rivera-Chira, M., Sacksteder, K., Smeeth, L., Trujillo, A.J., Wells, J.C., Yan, L.L., García, H.H., Gilman, R.H.
- 2016 - Towards sustainable partnerships in global health: the case of the CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases in PeruMills-Novoa, M., Borgias, S.L., Crootof, A., Thapa, B., de Grenade, R. Scott, C.A.
- 2016 - Bringing the Hydrosocial Cycle into Climate Change Adaptation Planning: Lessons from Two Andean Mountain Water Towers.Franco, B.C., Defeo, O., Piola, A.R., Barreiro, M., Yang, H., Ortega, L., Gianelli, I., Castello, J.P., Vera, C.S., Buratti, C., Pájaro, M., Pezzi, L. P., Möller, O.O.,
- 2019 - Climate change impacts on fisheries in the southwest South Atlantic Ocean: A reviewKersalé, M., Meinen, Perez, C. S., Le Hénaff, D. Valla, R. C., Lamont, M., T.,  Sato, O. T., Dong, S., Terre, T., van Caspel, M., Chidichimo, M. P., van den Berg, M., Speich, S., Piola, A. R., Campos, E. J. D., Ansorge, I., Volkov, D. L., Lumpkin, R., Garzoli, S. L. Highly variable upper and abyssal overturning cells in the South Atlantic.
- 2020 - Highly variable upper and abyssal overturning cells in the South AtlanticCarabajal, María Inés
- 2019 - El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional y El nuevo paradigma de los servicios climáticos: Hacia una reconfiguración de las prácticas institucionalesPeres, A. P., Neves, N. C. R. F., & Taddei, R.
- 2020 - Atitudes e percepções de gestores ambientais da Zona Costeira de SP frente às mudanças climáticasRuscica, Romina C., Polcher, Jan, Mercedes Salvia, M., SörenssonIcon, Anna A., Piles, Maria, Jobbágy, Esteban G., Karszenbaum, Haydee
- 2020 - Spatio-temporal soil drying in southeastern South America: the importance of effective sampling frequency and observational errors on drydown time scale estimatesMeinen, C.S.,  Perez, R.C., S. Dong, Piola, A.R., & Campos, E.J.D.
Correspondence to:
C. S. Meinen,
Meerhoff, E., Defeo, O., Combes, V., Franco, B.C., Matano, R.P., Piola, A.R.,
- 2020 - Assessment of larval connectivity in a sandy beach mole crab through a coupled bio-oceanographic modelLago, L. S., Saraceno, M.,  Piola, A. R., Ruiz-Etcheverry, L. A.
- 2021 - Volume Transport Variability on the Northern Argentine Continental Shelf from In Situ and Satellite Altimetry Data.Acha, E.M., Viñas, M.D., Derisio, C., Alemany, D., Piola, A.R.
- 2019 - Large-scale geographic patterns of pelagic copepods in the southwestern South AtlanticQin, Y., Xiao, X., Dong, J., Zhang, Y., Wu, X., Shimabukuro, Y., Arai, E., Biradar, C., Wang, J., Zou, Z., Liu, F., Shi, Z., Doughty, R. and Moore III, B
- 2019 - Improved estimates of forest cover and loss in the Brazilian Amazon in 2000-2017Gianelli, I., Ortega, L., Marín, Y., Piola, A., Defeo, O. 
- 2019 - Evidence of ocean warming in Uruguay’s fisheries landings: the mean temperature of the catch approachHidalgo, C.
- 2016 - El desafío científico- político de coproducir y proveer servicios climáticos en el sudeste de SudaméricaHidalgo, C.
- 2016 - La Universidad de Buenos Aires y la interdisciplinaBrown, T.B., Hultine, K.R., Steltzer, H., Denny, E.G., Denslow, M.W., Granados, J., Henderson, S., Moore, D., Nagai, S., SanClements, M., Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Sonnentag, O., Tazik, D. and Richardson, A.D.
- 2016 - Using phenocams to monitor our changing Earth: toward a global phenocam network.Calvo-Rodriguez, S., Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Durán, S.M. and Espírito-Santo, M.M.
- 2016 - Assessing ecosystem services in Neotropical dry forests: a systematic reviewChazdon, R.L., Broadbent, E.N., Rozendaal, D.M.A., Bongers, F., Ameyda-Zambrano, A.M., Aide, T.M., Balvanera, P., Becknell, J.M., Boukili, V., Brancalion, P.H.S., Craven, D., Almeida-Cortez, J.S., Cabral, G.A.L., de-Jong, B., Denslow, J.S., Dent, D.H., DeWalt, S.J., Dupuy, J.M., Durán, S.M., Espírito-Santo, M.M., Fandino, M.C., César, R.G., Hall, J.S., Hernández-Stefanoni, J.L., Jakovac, C.C., Junqueira, A.B., Kennard, D., Letcher, S.G., Lohbeck, W., Martínez-Ramos, M., Massoca, P., Meave, J.A., Mesquita, R., Mora, F., Mu ñoz, R., Muscarella, R., Nunes, Y.R.F., Ochoa-Gaona, S., Orihuela-Belmonte, E., Peña-Claros, M., Pérez-García, E.A., Piotto, D., Powers, J.S., Rodríguez-Velazquez, J., Romero-Pérez, I.E., Ruíz, J., Saldarriaga, J.G., Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Schwartz, N.B., Steininger, M.K., Swenson, N.G., Uriarte, M., van Breugel, M., van der Wal, H., Veloso, M.D.M., Vester, H., Vieira, I.C.G., Bentos, T.V., Williamson, G.B. and Poorter, L.
- 2016 - Carbon sequestration potential of second-growth forest regeneration in the Latin American tropicsEspírito-Santo, M.M., Leite, M.E., Silva, J.O., Barbosa, R.S., Rocha, A.M., Anaya, F.C. and Dupin, M.G.V.
- 2016 - Understanding patterns of land-cover change in the Brazilian Cerrado from 2000 to 2015Arora, P., Peterson, N.D., Bert, F.E. and Podestá, G.P.
- 2016 - Managing the triple bottom line for sustainability: a case study of Argentine agribusinessesBasualdo, A., Berbery, E.H., Hidalgo, C., Dadamia, D., Soldano, A., De Ru-yver, R., Bert, F.E., Fernández-Long, M.E., Bruscantini, C.A., Ca nás, S., Claus, F., Dillon, M.E., Ferreira, L., Frulla, L., Gonzalez-Morinigo, C., Garc\ia-Skabar, Y., Grings, F., Herdies, D., Holzman, M., Karszenbaum, H., Mattos, J., Müller, O.V., Occhiuzzi, S., Pasten, M., Pujol, G.C., Righetti, S., Rivas, R., Saulo, A.C., Sgroi, L. and Spennemann, P.C.
- 2016 - JASMIN (Joint Assessment of Soil Moisture Indicators), Valoración conjunta de indicadores de humedad del suelo para la región sudeste de SudaméricaCalvetti, L., Beneti, C., Neundorf, R.L., Inouye, R.T., dos Santos, T.N., Gomes, A.M., Herdies, D.L. and Gonçalves, L.G.G.
- 2016 - Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Integrated by Poissons Equation Using Radar Mosaic, Satellite, and Rain Gauge Network.Di Giulio, G., Groves, C., Monteiro, M. and Taddei, R.
- 2016 - Communicating through vulnerability: knowledge politics, inclusion and responsiveness in responsible research and innovation.Fernández-Long, M.E., Barnatán, I., Dominici, C. and Murphy, G.
- 2016 - Información agroclimática de las heladas en la Argentina: Generación y uso.Grimm, A.M., Laureanti, N.C., Rodakoviski, R.B. and Gama, C.B.
- 2016 - Interdecadal variability and extreme precipitation events in South America during the monsoon season.Anderson, I., Robson, B., Connolly, M., Al-Yaman, F., Bjertness, E., King, A., Tynan, M., Madden, R., Bang, A., Coimbra, C.E.A., Pesantes, M.A., Amigo, H., Andronov, S., Armien, B., Obando, D.A., Axelsson, P., Bhatti, Z.S., Bhutta, Z.A., Bjerregaard, P., Bjertness, M.B., Briceno-Leon, R., Broderstad, A.R., Bustos, P., Chongsuvivatwong, V., Chu, J., Deji, Gouda, J., Harikumar, R., Htay, T.T., Htet, A.S., Izugbara, C., Kamaka, M., King, M., Kodavanti, M.R., Lara, M., Laxmaiah, A., Lema, C., Taborda, A.M.L., Liabsuetrakul, T., Lobanov, A., Melhus, M., Meshram, I., Miranda, J.J., Mu, T.T., Nagalla, B., Nimmathota, A., Popov, A.I., Poveda, A.M.P., Ram, F., Reich, H., Santos, R.V., Sein, A.A., Shekhar, C., Sherpa, L.Y., Skold, P., Tano, S., Tanywe, A., Ugwu, C., Ugwu, F., Vapattanawong, P., Wan, X., Welch, J.R., Yang, G., Yang, Z. and Yap, L.
- 2016 - Indigenous and tribal peoples health (The Lancet–Lowitja Institute Global Collaboration): a population study.Avilez, J.L., Bazalar, J., Azanedo, D. and Miranda, J.J.
- 2016 - Perú, cambio climático y enfermedades no trasmisibles: ¿dónde estamos y a dónde vamos?Beratarrechea, A., Diez-Canseco, F., Irazola, V., Miranda, J.J., Ramirez-Zea, M. and Rubinstein, A.
- 2016 - Use of m-Health Technology for Preventive Interventions to Tackle Cardiometabolic Conditions and Other Non-Communicable Diseases in Latin America- Challenges and OpportunitiesOliveira Neves, A.C., Barbieri, A.F., Pacheco, A.A., Resende, F.M., Braga, R.F., Azevedo, A. and Fernandes, G.W.
- 2016 - The Human Dimension in the Espinhaço Mountains: Land Conversion and Ecosystem Services (Book chapter)Glade, F.E., Miranda, M.D., Meza, F.J. and van Leeuwen, W.J.D.
- 2016 - Productivity and phenological responses of natural vegetation to present and future inter-annual climate variability across semi-arid river basins in Chile.Kwan, G.F., Mayosi, B.M., Mocumbi, A.O., Miranda, J.J., Ezzati, M., Jain, Y., Robles, G., Benjamin E.J., Subramanian, S.V. and Bukhman, G.
- 2016 - Endemic Cardiovascular Diseases of the Poorest Billion.Aliaga, V.S., Ferrelli, F., Alberdi-Algañaraz, E.D., Bohn, V.Y. and Piccolo, M.C.
- 2016 - Distribución y variabilidad de la precipitación en la Región Pampeana, Argentina.Aliaga, V.S., Ferrelli, F., Bohn, V.Y. and Piccolo, M.C.
- 2016 - Utilization of satellite images to understand the dynamics of Pampas shallow lakesBohn, V.Y., Delgado, A.L., Piccolo, M.C. and Perillo, G.M.E.
- 2016 - Assessment of climate variability and land use effect on shallow lakes in temperate plains of Argentina.Bombana, B., Conde, D. and Polette, M.
- 2016 - Gestión de playas urbanas: un análisis comparativo de los procesos de gobernanza en las playas Pocitos (Montevideo, Uruguay) y Central (Balneário Camboriú -SC, Brasil)Casoni, A.I., Zunino, J., Piccolo, M.C. and Volpe, M.A.
- 2016 - Valorization of Rhizoclonium sp. algae via pyrolysis and catalytic pyrolysis.Correa-Metrio, A., Vélez, M.I., Escobar, J., St-Jacques, J.M., López-Pérez, M., Curtis, J., Cosford, J.
- 2016 - Mid-elevation ecosystems of Panama: future uncertainties in light of past global climatic variability.Enrich-Prast, A., Santoro, A.L., Coutinho, R.S., Nielsen, L.P. and Esteves, F.A.
- 2016 - Sediment Denitrification in Two Contrasting Tropical Shallow Lagoons.Jepsen, S.M., Harmon, T.C. and Shi, Y.
- 2016 - Watershed model calibration to the base flow recession curve with and without evapotranspiration effectsJepsen, S.M., Harmon, T.C., Meadows, M.W. and Hunsaker, C.T.
- 2016 - Hydrogeologic influence on changes in snowmelt runoff with climate warming: Numerical experiments on a mid-elevation catchment in the Sierra Nevada, USA.Díaz-Caravantes, R., Duarte-Tagles, H. and Durazo-Galvez, F.M.
- 2016 - Amenazas para la salud en el Río Sonora: análisis exploratorio de la calidad del agua reportada en la base de datos oficial de México.Grenade, R., House-Peters, L., Scott, C.A., Thapa, B., Mills-Novoa, M., Gerlak, A. and Verbist, K.
- 2016 - The nexus: reconsidering environmental security and adaptive capacity.Garfin, G.M., Scott, C.A., Wilder, M., Varady, R.G. and Merideth, R.
- 2016 - Metrics for assessing adaptive capacity and water security: common challenges, diverging contexts, emerging consensus.Kirchhoff, C.J., Lara-Valencia, F., Brugger, J., Mussetta, P. and Pineda-Pablos, N.
- 2016 - Towards joint consideration of adaptive capacity and water security: lessons from the arid Americas.Konar, M., Evans, T.P., Levy, M., Scott, C.A., Troy, T.J., Vörösmarty, C.J. and Sivapalan, M.
- 2016 - Water resources sustainability in a globalizing world: who uses the water?Mendez-Estrella, R., Romo-Leon, J., Castellanos, A., Gandarilla-Aizpuro, F. and Hartfield, K.
- 2016 - Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico.Merideth, R. and Varady, R.G.
- 2016 - Gilbert Fowler WhiteMeza, F.J. and Scott, C.A.
- 2016 - Secure water supply in water-scarce regions [book chapter]Alemany, D., Acha, E.M. and Iribarne, O.
- 2016 - Distribution and intensity of bottom trawl fisheries in the Patagonian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem and its relationship with marine fronts.Carreto, J.I., Montoya, N.G., Carignan, M.O., Akselman, R., Acha, E.M. and Derisio, C.
- 2016 - Environmental and biological factors controlling the spring phytoplankton bloom at the Patagonian shelf-break front – Degraded fucoxanthin pigments and the importance of microzooplankton grazingGonzález-Carman, V., Mandiola, A., Alemany, D., Dassis, M., Seco-Pon, J.P., Prosdocimi, L., Ponce-de-León, A., Mianzan, H., Acha, E.M., Rodríguez, D., Favero, M. and Copello, S.
- 2016 - Distribution of megafaunal species in the Southwestern Atlantic: key ecological areas and opportunities for marine conservationHernández-Molina, F.J., Soto, M., Piola, A.R., Tomasini, J., Preu, B., Thompson, P., Badalini, G., Creaser, A., Violante, R.A., Morales, E., Paterlini, M. and De-Santa-Ana, H.
- 2016 - A contourite depositional system along the Uruguayan continental margin: Sedimentary, oceanographic and paleoceanographic implications.Marrari, M., Piola, A.R., Valla, D. and Wilding, J.G.
- 2016 - Trends and variability in extended ocean color time series in the main reproductive area of the Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi (Southwestern Atlantic Ocean)Medellín-Mora, J., Escribano, R. and Schneider, W.
- 2016 - Community response of zooplankton to oceanographic changes (2002–2012) in the central/southern upwelling system of ChileAguiar, S., Texeira, M., Paruelo, J.M. and Román, M.E.
- 2016 - Conflictos por la tenencia de la tierra en la provincia de Santiago del Estero. Su relación con los cambios en el uso de la tierra (book chapter)Baldi, G., Texeira, M., Murray, F. and Jobbágy, E.G.
- 2016 - Vegetation Productivity in Natural vs. Cultivated Systems along Water Availability Gradients in the Dry Subtropics.Blanco, L.J., Paruelo, J.M., Oesterheld, M. and Biurrun, F.N.
- 2016 - Spatial and temporal patterns of herbaceous primary production in semi-arid shrublands: a remote sensing approach.Cordon, G., Lagorio, M.G. and Paruelo, J.M.
- 2016 - Chlorophyll fluorescence, photochemical reflective index and normalized difference vegetative index during plant senescence.Eclesia, R.P., Jobbágy, E.G., Jackson, R.B., Rizzotto, M.G., and Piñeiro, G.
- 2016 - Stabilization of new carbon inputs rather than old carbon decomposition determines soil organic carbon shifts following woody or herbaceous vegetation transitions.Giménez, R., Mercau, J.L., Nosetto, M.D., Páez, R. and Jobbágy, E.G.
- 2016 - The ecohydrological imprint of deforestation in the semiarid Chaco: insights from the last forest remnants of a highly cultivated landscape.Hirata, F.E. and Grimm, A.M.
- 2016 - The role of synoptic and intraseasonal anomalies in the life cycle of summer rainfall extremes over South America.Laterra, P., Barral, P., Carmona, A. and Nahuelhual, L.
- 2016 - Focusing Conservation Efforts on Ecosystem Service Supply May Increase Vulnerability of Socio-Ecological Systems.Lemos, M.C., Manuel-Navarrete, D., Willems, B.L., Caravantes, R.D. and Varady, R.G.
- 2016 - Advancing metrics: models for understanding adaptive capacity and water securityLezama, F. and Paruelo, J.M.
- 2016 - Disentangling grazing effects: trampling, defoliation and urine deposition.Liebig, M.A., Franzluebbers, A.J., Alvarez, C., Chiesa, T.D., Lewczuk, N., Pi neiro, G., Posse, G., Yahdjian, L., Grace, P., Machado-Rodrigues-Cabral, O., Martin-Neto, L., de Arag ao-Ribeiro-Rodrigues, R., Amiro, B., Angers, D., Hao, X., Oelbermann, M., Tenuta, M., Munkholm, L.J., Regina, K., Cellier, P., Ehrhardt, F., Richard, G., Dechow, R., Agus, F., Widiarta, N., Spink, J., Berti, A., Grignani, C., Mazzoncini, M., Orsini, R., Roggero, P.P., Seddaiu, G., Tei, F., Ventrella, D., Vitali, G., Kishimoto-Mo, A., Shirato, Y., Sudo, S., Shin, J., Schipper, L., Savé, R., Leifeld, J., Spadavecchia, L., Yeluripati, J., Del Grosso, S., Rice, C. and Sawchik, J.
- 2016 - MAGGnet: An international network to foster mitigation of agricultural greenhouse gases.López-Mársico, L., Oyarzabal, M., Altesor, A. and Paruelo, J.M.
- 2016 - Efecto del pastoreo sobre la productividad primaria neta subterránea de un pastizal templado.Magliano, P.N., Fernández, R.J., Giménez, R., Marchesini, V.A., Páez, R.A. and Jobbágy, E.G.
- 2016 - Cambios en la partición de flujos de agua en el Chaco Árido al reemplazar bosques por pasturas.Mercau, J.L., Nosetto, M.D., Bert, F.E., Giménez, R. and Jobbágy, E.G.
- 2016 - Shallow groundwater dynamics in the Pampas: Climate, landscape and crop choice effectsGiaccio, G., Laterra, P., Aparicio, V. and Costa, J.
- 2016 - Glyphosate retention in grassland riparian areas is reduced by the invasion of exotic trees.Halvorsen, K.E., Knowlton, J.L., Mayer, A.S., Phifer, C.C., Martins, T., Pischke, E.C., Propato, T.S., Cavigliasso, P., Garcia, C., Chiappe, M., Eastmond, A., Licata, J., Kuhlberg, M., Medeiros, R., Picasso, V., Mendez, G., Primo, P., Frado, A., Veron, S.R. and Dunn, J.L.
- 2016 - A case study of strategies for fostering international, interdisciplinary research.Benson-Lira, V., Georgescu, M., Kaplan, S. and Vivoni, E.R.
- 2016 - Loss of a lake system in a megacity: The impact of urban expansion on seasonal meteorology in Mexico City.Eakin, H., Lerner, A.M., Manuel-Navarrete, D., Hernández Aguilar, B., Martínez-Canedo, A., Tellman, B., Charli-Joseph, L., Fernández Álvarez, R. and Bojórquez-Tapia, L.
- 2016 - Adapting to risk and perpetuating poverty: Households strategies for managing flood risk and water scarcity in Mexico CityBustamante, M.M.C., Martinelli, L.A., Pérez, T., Rasse, R., Ometto, J.P.H.B., Siqueira Pacheco, F., Machado Lins, S.R. and Marquina, S.
- 2015 - Nitrogen management challenges in major watersheds of South AmericaBall, A., Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Portillo-Quintero, C., Rivard, B., Castro-Contreras, S. and Fernandes, G.W.
- 2015 - Patterns of Leaf Biochemical and Structural Properties of Cerrado Life Forms: Implications for Remote SensingCao, S., Yu, Q., Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Feng, J., Rivard, B. and Gu, Z.
- 2015 - Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteria spectral mixture analysisDurán, S.M., Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Rios, R.S. and Gianoli, E.
- 2015 - The relative importance of climate, stand variables and liana abundance for carbon storage in tropical forestsHilje, B., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Jiménez-Rodríguez, C. and Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A.
- 2015 - Tree species composition, breeding systems, and pollination and dispersal syndromes in three forest successional stages in a tropical dry forest in MesoamericaJiménez-Rodríguez, C., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C. and Jackson, J.K.
- 2015 - Performance of Two Hydrological Models in Predicting Daily Flow under a Climate Change Scenario for Mountainous Catchments in Northwestern Costa RicaLohbeck, M., Lebrija-Trejos, E., Martínez-Ramos, M., Meave, J.A., Poorter, L. and Bongers, F.
- 2015 - Functional Trait Strategies of Trees in Dry and Wet Tropical Forest Are Similar but Differ in Their Consequences for SuccessionLohbeck, M., Poorter, L., Martínez-Ramos, M. and Bongers, F.
- 2015 - Biomass in the main driver of changes in ecosystem process rates during tropical forest successionPfaff, A., Robalino, J.A., Herrera, D. and Sandoval, C.
- 2015 - Protected Areas Impacts on Brazilian Amazon Deforestation: Examining Conservation – Development Interactions to Inform Planning.Pfaff, A., Robalino, J.A., Sandoval, C. and Herrera, D.
- 2015 - Protected area types, strategies and impacts in Brazils Amazon: public protected area strategies do not yield a consistent ranking of protected area types by impact.Portillo-Quintero, C., Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Quesada, M. and do Espirito Santo, M.M.
- 2015 - The role of tropical dry forests for biodiversity, carbon and water conservation in the neotropics: lessons learned and opportunities for its sustainable management.