Hydroenergy and Climate Change: Investigating Disciplinary Priorities and Interdisciplinary Opportunities for Global Change Research

Publicado en Workshop Report

Gerlak, A. and Saguier, M.

Año de publicación 2014
DOI n/a
  • Director of Academic Development, International Studies Association, Senior Policy Associate, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona, United States
  • Senior Researcher, Department of International Relations, Latin American School of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Research Fellow, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)


Proyecto CRN3101


  • Project Overview

Advancing Good Practices in Building Interdisciplinarity: Moving Towards UserOriented Science is a project aimed at advancing good practices in building interdisciplinarity for global change research. The overall goal of the effort is to reflect on and improve the current practices of knowledge generation, mobilization and use with respect to the social and environmental impacts of hydropower development and water-energy futures in South America. Fostering dialogue between diverse stakeholders involved in the processes of construction and contestation of knowledge on transboundary waters in relation to dams and hydropower development is central to the exploration of the possibilities and limitations of interdisciplinary knowledge building. It is a three-year project (2014- 2016) funded by the Interamerican institute for Global Change Research. The joint Principal Investigators are Andrea K. Gerlak (University of Arizona, US) and Marcelo Saguier (Latin American School of Social Sciences, Argentina).

  • Workshop Overview

The project seeks to contribute to advancing our understanding of the potential of interdisciplinarity for water governance through a series of three capacity-building workshops. The workshops are designed to generate new knowledge, develop skills and build capacity, and create spaces for interaction and collaboration. The first workshop, titled Hydroenergy and Climate Change, was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in July 2014. Participants included a mix of social scientists, hydrologists, biologists, water engineers, policy specialists, and social advocacy actors all specialized in different aspects of hydroenergy.