Canadian Science Policy Center - IAI STeP Fellowship Editorial
Bridging science and policy through collaborative, interdisciplinary global change research in the Americas, has been published in the peer reviewed journal Environmental development, a publication of Elsevier B.V.
UNOSSC in partnership with the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) are launching the joint report “City-to-City Partnerships and South-South and Triangular Cooperation on Sustainable Urban Development” that focuses on how cities of the Global South are using innovative, collaborative and evidence-based processes to tackle these challenges.
Scientists, decision-makers, representatives from communities and NGOs worked together in this IAI-managed project
The documentary shows the territory of southern Chile and aims at understanding the relationship of indigenous communities with forest and water...
This publication may be reproduced for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holders, provided acknowledgement of the source is made....
This book was written as part of an outreach program for the IAI project....
The collaborative initiative JASMIN (Joint Assessment of Soil Moisture Indicators) is a joint effort to....
Two IAI projects have joined efforts and funds to make the CRED Guide....
In a dry region in which surface water courses were unknown, new rivers started to appear...
Ranching is an important part of agricultural production in South America...
During the past forty years, mankind has witnessed unimaginable progress....
A guide for designing interdisciplinary courses...
This book aims at providing useful reference to local, state and national authorities and planners as well as to a wide range of other urban...
The cooperative research project CRN-040 studied the effects of global change on high mountains and the savanna...
Developed by the IAI Collaborative Research Network for the study of Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas...
The Patagonian Sea is a highly productive oceanic ecosystem in the South-Western Atlantic...
This book synthesizes the knowledge and experience of several of the IAI’s...
The present and future of Latin America is intrinsically associated with the development of its urban areas...
Governments and scientists may be equally concerned with global environmental change...