Agreement Establishing the IAI
Agreements concerning Directorate headquarters and offices
EC-CoP Rules and other internal regulations
Agreements with other organizations
Gender, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy for IAI Scientific Projects and Capacity Building Activities
Other documents
Agreement Establishing the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI/LD.1/1992) (English - Spanish - Portuguese - French)
Depository copy of the Agreement and Signatories and Ratifications (Organization of American States) (English - Spanish)
Declaration of Montevideo (IAI/LD.1/1992) (English - Spanish - Portuguese - French)
Agreement between the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and the Republic of Panama concerning the establishment of the headquarters of the IAI Directorate (21 June 2024) - Spanish
Agreement between the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and the IAI regarding remunerated work in Uruguay of relatives of Montevideo-based IAI international staff (Spanish)
Law 19.144 of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay approving the Host Country Agreement between the IAI and Uruguay for the establishing of the IAI Integrated Operations and Finance Directorate (Spanish)
Agreement between the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay concerning the establishment of the headquarters of the Integrated Operations and Finance Directorate of the IAI (11/13/2012) (Spanish)
Standing rules of the IAI Conference of the Parties (approved June 2021) (English - Spanish)
Standing Rules of the Executive Council of the IAI (approved June 2021) (English - Spanish)
Suspension and termination procedures for IAI projects (English - Spanish)
IAI Conflicts of interest and standards of ethical conduct (English - Spanish)
Memorandum of Understanding between CR2 and the IAI (2024) - Español
Memorandum of Understanding between STRI and the IAI (2024) - English
Memorandum of Understanding between Humboldt Institute and the IAI (2024) - Spanish
Memorandum of Understanding between FAPESC and the IAI (2023) - Portuguese and Spanish
Memorandum of Understanding between UWI and the IAI (2023) - English
Memorandum of Understanding between the Degrees Initiative and the IAI (2023) - English
Memorandum of Understanding between CICAG and the IAI (2023) - Spanish
Agreement between MITACS and the IAI (2021) - English
Memorandum of Understanding between AAAS and the IAI (2018) - English
Memorandum of Understanding between Future Earth and the IAI (2017) - English
Association agreement between FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) and the IAI (2015) - Portuguese and English / Amendment: Portuguese e English
Convenio between OEI and the IAI (2024) - Spanish
Memorandum of Understanding between CEPAL and the IAI (2024) - Spanish
Memorandum of Understanding between DSG and the IAI (2024) - English
Memorandum of Understanding between COIBA and the IAI (2024) - Spanish
Memorandum of Understanding between CAC and the IAI (2023) - English
Framework Agreement between PAHO and the IAI (2023) - Inglés
Memorandum of Understanding between ANII and the IAI (2023) - Spanish
Declaration of Intent - DCO LAC and IAI (2023) - English
Memorandum of Understanding between the World Meteorological Organization (OMM) and the IAI (2023) - English
Letter of Understanding between the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) and the IAI (2022) - English
The IAI Strategic Plan English - Spanish
→ IAI Strategic Plan Success Indicators and Metrics English - Spanish
Report of the External Review Committee Assessment of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (AAAS, 2007) English
The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Merit Review Process English - Spanish
Gender, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy for IAI Scientific Projects and Capacity Building Activities English - Spanish
IAI Conflict of Interest and Standards of Ethical Conduct English - Spanish