The Science, Technology, Policy (STeP) Fellowship Program is an innovative landmark program of the IAI to enhance human and institutional capacities in IAI member countries and to support the provision of expert scientific advice to policy makers for the development of public policy relevant to global change.
Scientist Fellows in the STeP program are placed at host government or private organizations to engage first-hand with policy and decision-makers and facilitate the uptake of scientific knowledge into policy processes.
The STeP program trains future leaders from across the Americas to participate in the science-policy interface through hands-on learning supported by professional development and mentorship.
STeP Fellowsparticipate in the IAI Inter-American network of STeP peers and alumni and share best practices and lessons learned. This multinational network creates the means to integrate diverse knowledge and expertise across different sectors and countries in response to critical global change challenges in the Americas. The network allows for sharing resources, disseminating employment and other professional opportunities, and contributing to career development and work collaboration at the completion of the fellowship.