005 |
Analyzing and understanding climate variability in the Carribean Islands |
VICTOR O. MAGAÑA RUEDA victormr_AT_servidor.unam.mx |
Mexico |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
, Mexico |
22,000 |
006 |
Predicting ENSO effects on sugar cane yields using a wheather-generator and mechanistic crop modeling |
ANGEL UTSET SUASTEGUI utset_AT_main.isch.edu.cu |
Cuba |
Universidad de la Habana |
, Ecuador,
Jamaica |
24,600 |
010 |
Impact of forestry on Uruguayan grasslands: changes in landuse patterns and ecosystem functioning |
JOSE M. PARUELO paruelo_AT_agro.uba.ar |
Argentina |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
, Uruguay |
25,900 |
011 |
Downscaling activities and their applications on studies of climate variability and change in South America. Case study: the Amazon basin |
CARLOS A. NOBRE carlos.nobre_AT_inpe.br |
Brazil |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais |
Venezuela |
15,000 |
012 |
An inventory of ENSO and non-ENSO related disasters in Chile: A La Red-Chile Project |
EDUARDO FRANCO TEMPLE eduardof_AT_itdg.org.pe cchavez_AT_itdg.org.pe |
Peru |
Intermediate Technology Development Group |
Peru |
30,000 |
013 |
Efectos de cambios globales sobre la diversidad de la vegetación y la microbiota edáfica de ecosistemas tropicales insulares y continentales |
JUAN F. SILVA ARMAS juan_silva004_AT_hotmail.com jsilva_AT_ula.ve |
Venezuela |
Universidad de los Andes |
Venezuela |
28,000 |
015 |
When oceans conspire: Examining the effect of concurrent SST anomalies in the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific on Caribbean rainfall |
MARIA DEL PILAR CORNEJO DE GRUNAUER jgrunaue_AT_ecua.net.ec pcornejo_AT_goliat.espol.edu.ec |
Ecuador |
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral |
, Jamaica,
Panama |
25,000 |
017 |
Characterization of stratosphere and upper troposphere aerosols over Central and South America |
PABLO O. CANZIANI pocanziani_AT_gmail.com |
Argentina |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
, Cuba |
29,923 |
018 |
Dendrochronological studies of El Niño events and other climatic variations in tropical South America |
BRIAN H. LUCKMAN luckman_AT_uwo.ca |
Canada |
University of Western Ontario |
, Peru |
26,600 |
019 |
Mercury in Andean Amazon River Catchments-MAARC Project |
MICHAEL E. MCCLAIN michael.mcclain_AT_fiu.edu |
Florida International University |
30,000 |
020 |
Applying high-resolution numerical models to simulate local and regional atmospheric circulation in some regions of the Caribbean |
VICTOR O. MAGAÑA RUEDA victormr_AT_servidor.unam.mx |
Mexico |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
, México |
16,500 |