Presentations Photos Program and methods Participants Speakers Suggested readings About Venue
Indicators – Holm Tiessen
Sistemas complejos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación: Conceptos básicos de las ciencias sociales – Harry Polo Diaz y Elma Montaña
Enlazando la ciencia y la política – Nicolás Lucas
Riesgo social, vulnerabilidad y adaptación – Claudia Natenzon
Gobernanza de las ciencias ambientales y investigaciones del cambio global – Holm Tiessen
Sistemas complejos e interdisciplina – Claudia Natenzon
El diálogo con tomadores de decisiones y actores sociales – Christopher Scott
Integracion Interdisciplinaria, Intersectorial, y Desafios: Una Historia de Dos Proyectos Canadienses – Harry Polo Diaz
Ciencia y Política Pública: La Ley de Preservación de los Glaciares y el Ambiente Periglacial en Argentina – Ricardo Villalba
La crecida extraordinaria del río Salado y la inundación de la ciudad de Santa Fe desde una perspectiva de la gestión del riesgo – Mario Schreider
Las instituciones en la relación ciencia-política: algunas claves de interpretación – Paula Mussetta
Montaña, Nieve, Glaciares, Rios, Caudales y el Oasis – Terminos de Referencia – Jose Armando Boninsegna
Proyecto RALCEA:Eje Temático Mapeo de Actores y Desarrollo de Capacidades
• Global change, sustainable development and social justice;
• Governance of science;
• Coordination of science with the policy system;
• Social risk (threat, exposure, vulnerability, uncertainty), complex problems, interdiscipline;
• Definition of system and complex system, vulnerability and adaptation in social sciences and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change;
• Definition and classification of stakeholders, agents-agencies, institution, social relations;
• Methodology of interdisciplinary work;
• Methodology of participative management.
Real-world research and management cases were introduced by lecturers and participants and discussion on:
– Subject of study, delimitation, definition of the complex system;
– Definition of the context according to the baseline discipline and the background (government technician, executive policy officer, legislative policy officer);
– Discipline integration (social and physical/natural sciences); – Science-policy integration.
The program included a field trip to integrate with the process of knowledge construction and coordination with talks and analysis of case studies. The one-day fieldwork included visits to Potrerillo, Chacritas, Cipolleti Dam, plantations.
Participants of the “Training Institute on adaptive management of water resources under climate change in vulnerable river basins (October, 2012- La Serena, Chile)” and researchers invited by the IAI.
Environmentally-related ID research teams manuscript
MA EcosystemsHumanWellbeing Assessment Manual
Shared by the participants
Cash&Clark_2001_From science to policy_assessing the assessment
The workshop was organized by the IAI in collaboration with IANIGLA (Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, el General Irrigation Department of the Water Agency of the Government of the Province of Mendoza and the Center of Excellence for Water Security (AQUASEC). The workshop was funded by the IAI, through the support of the US National Science Foundation (NSF).
The overall aim of the workshop was to promote training towards the establishment of a process of participative construction of knowledge to address complex problems with particular interest in social and environmental global change issues.
Main objective
To explore the integration of (natural and social) science and policy through an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach, with practical results for real-world complex problems. Unlike the Training Institute on adaptive management of water resources under climate change (October 2012 in La Serena) the main focus of the workshop was on science integration and integration with decision making rather than on water resources related issues.
Specific objectives
1. To introduce the ways for the construction of knowledge construction and the results achieved.
2. To describe the mechanisms used to coordinate different disciplinary perspectives in order to formulate an integrated interdisciplinary research question.
3. To explain how societal needs, concerns, knowledge in different sectors integrate into the research questions.
4. To examine and assess participative processes critically in: a) research project planning and development; b) the integration and formulation of results; c) decision making in the public administration; d) interaction processes between science and policy towards the integrated management of environmental problems.
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
Holm Tiessen, Executive Director
Marcella Ohira, Deputy Director of Capacity Building
Nicolas Lucas, Communications and Policy Specialist
Mariana Toledo, Capacity Building Assistant
Local organizers
José Armando Boninsegna, Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA)
Elma Montaña, Universidad Nacional Cuyo, CONICET, Argentina
Mario Salomón, Departamento General de Irrigación de la Agencia de Aguas del Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza
Program coordination
Coordinator: Ana Murgida, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
Contributors: José Armando Boninsegna, Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA); Elma Montaña, Universidad Nacional Cuyo, CONICET, Argentina
Field Trip coordination
José Armando Boninsegna, Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA)
Elma Montaña, Universidad Nacional Cuyo, CONICET, Argentina
Centro Científico Tecnologico (CCT) Conicet Mendoza
Av. Ruíz Leal s/n Parque General San Martín. Mendoza – Argentina. CP 5500.
Tel: 54-261-5244050 / Fax: 54-261-5244001