Objectives Program Participants Coordinators Publication Announcement
This activity was held in collaboration with the Center for Nuclear Energy applied to Agriculture (CENA) of the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil and the Research Unit “Soil carbon sequestration” of the Research Institute for the Development (IRD) of France.
The overarching goal of the institute is to present and discuss global climate changes, the greenhouse effect, the potential positive and negative impacts of global warming, as well as mitigation alternatives and international actions, such as international treaties and protocol, as well as to catalyze stronger interactions among academics, stakeholders, and decision-makers from the IAI member countries in the region dealing with global climate changes and the greenhouse effect.
Dr. Vincent Eschenbrenner
IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, ex ORSTOM) – Francia
The outcomes of the Institute contribute to participant Raquel Ghini’s publication:
Anthropogenic activities are changing the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to changes in the planet’s climate. These climatic changes can alter the current scenario of the phytosanitary problems of Brazilian agriculture. Changes of relative importance, of pests and diseases of major crops, can appear in a few decades. The resulting economic, social and environmental impacts can be positive, negative or neutral, as climate change may decrease, increase or not have any effect on the different phytosanitary problems in each region.
The book “Mudanças climáticas globais e doenças de plantas (Global climate change and plant diseases)” discusses this problem and presents a review other works done on this topic.
For further information contact the author at raquel@cnpma.embrapa.br