The IAI Internship Program

The IAI Internship Program provides an opportunity for college students from IAI member countries and from other regions to gain valuable experience from working at an inter-governmental organization.

The objective is to provide students first-hand experience of the IAI's working environment whether it is providing scientific information on global change for the development of more effective public policies or organizing multilateral processes at the interface of research, science diplomacy  and decision making.

The IAI Directorate will introduce the intern to the organizational policy of the IAI and other intergovernmental organizations, particularly in relation to negotiations among Parties, drafting of decisions to be adopted at international conferences, and the use of protocol when communicating with governments and policy-makers. As part of the IAI team, interns will participate in international meetings and events, and contribute to communication and analytical work on global change.

Participation in the IAI Internship Program is on an ongoing basis, with no specific recruitment period. However, there may be specific vacancy notices for internship positions requiring particular qualifications and skills. We strongly encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply. 

Please check this webpage periodically for new openings. 

Read testimonials by former interns here