Climate, Environment, and Health for the Americas - Mobilizing transdisciplinary knowledge and training for policy action

Week 1 Learning Objectives & Assigned Readings


Session 1: Introducing Transdisciplinary Research Approaches

Dr. Lily House-Peters, Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Dr. Gabriela Alonso Yanez, Ph.D., Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary


Marshalee Valentine, MSc, BTech, Jamaican Women in Coffee/IWCA Jamaica

Dr. Anna Stewart-Ibarra, Scientific Director, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)


 Video Recording  |  Slide Deck  |  Case Study 


Master Class 1: Challenges of and solutions for science communication

Juan Manuel Sarasua, biologist and scientific journalist

Video Recording  |  Slide Deck 


 Week 2 Learning Objectives & Assigned Readings 


TD Session 2: Doing Transdisciplinary Research

Dr. Lily House-Peters, Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Dr. Gabriela Alonso Yanez, Ph.D., Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

Marshalee Valentine, MSc, BTech, Jamaican Women in Coffee/IWCA Jamaica

Dr. Mercy Borbor-Córdova, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral

Video Recording  |  Slide Deck  |  Case Study 


Workshop 2: Quick guide to writing for a broad audience

Angelo Attanasio, Journalist, Latinoamérica21 editor

Video Recording  |  Slide Deck


Week 3 Learning Objectives & Assigned Readings 


Session 3: Designing & Implementing Transdisciplinary Research Approaches 

Dr. Lily House-Peters, Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Dr. Gabriela Alonso Yanez, Ph.D., Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

Marshalee Valentine, MSc, BTech, Jamaican Women in Coffee/IWCA Jamaica

Dr. Martin Garcia, Ph.D., Lecturer, Massey University

Dr. Gilma Mantilla, Pontifical Javeriana University

Video Recording  |  Slide Deck  |  Case Study 


Workshop 3: Telling stories through data 

Marcelo Rensi, Freelance AI Designer

Video Recording 


Week 4 Learning Objectives & Assigned Readings


Session 4: Managing Transdisciplinary Teamwork 

Dr. Lily House-Peters, Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Dr. Gabriela Alonso Yanez, Ph.D., Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

Dr. Martin Garcia, Ph.D., Lecturer, Massey University

Dr. Stella Hartinger, Cayetano Heredia University; Comprehensive Development, Environment and Health Unit

Video Recording  |  Slide Deck  |  Case Study 


Workshop 4: How to explain science to a broad audience 

Ana Pais, Senior Digital Editor, Radio Ambulante

Video Recording |  Slide Deck 


Week 5 Learning Objectives & Assigned Readings 


Session 5: Transdisciplinary Grant Writing, Assessment & Evaluation

Dr. Lily House-Peters, Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Dr. Gabriela Alonso Yanez, Ph.D., Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

Marshalee Valentine, MSc, BTech, Jamaican Women in Coffee/IWCA Jamaica

Dr. Nicole Arbour, Belmont Forum Executive Director

Video Recording |  Slide Deck  |  Case Study 


Workshop 5: How is a public policy designed and how can I become a better advocate?

Pamela Poo, Political Scientist UDEC

Video Recording  |  Slide Deck  


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