11 – 17 November 2012 – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Presentations Photos Program Participants Speakers Announcement Suggested readings Venue Second session – Ecuador
11 November
Colloquium on Knowledge Integration at the Science-Policy Interface (C2012) – Marcella Ohira
12 November
Global climate change science and modeling: informing decisions and policy – Lawrence Buja
From problem space to solution space – End-to-end integration – Patricia Romero-Lankao, Maria Manez and Maria Carmona
La ciencia como instrumento en la toma de decisiones – Víctor R. Viñas Nincolás
13 November
Regional Climate Modeling: Use of climate models in societal and ecological applications – Diana Giraldo, Jose Luis Santos and Lawrence Buja
Knowledge integration in climate and health – Mary Hayden
Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Responses: An examination of construction and pathways in Mexico City and Santiago Chile – Patricia Romero-Lankao
Knowledge Integration in Climate and Health Applications: Integrated Modeling of Metropolitan Extreme Heat Risk – Olga Wilhelmi
Science-Policy Dialogues – Elma Montaña
14 November
Knowledge Integration: Qualitative and quantitative research methods – Mary Hayden
15 November
Closing the communication gap scientifics – population challenges and opportunities – Alexander Holsteinson
16 November
Panel: Stakeholder engagement process – Olga Wilhelmi (moderator)
Uso de los SIG en los ecosistemas, la agricultura y el manejo de recursos naturales: retos, oportunidades – Mariana Pérez
17 November
Motivacion – Luis García Dubus

Comisión de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Sonora
Bio profile

Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renovaveis
Bio profile

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU)
Dominican Republic
Bio profile

CONICET (Scientific and Technological National Research Institute)
Bio profile
Full announcement in PDF (Spanish)
Full announcement in PDF (English)
The IAI and NCAR (National Corporation for Atmospheric Research) organized the “Colloquia on Knowledge Integration at the Science-Policy Interface”. The Colloquia were funded by the IAI with resources from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) through the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). Hosts and co-organizers were the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic, the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña, the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.
Two Colloquia were held in 2012 and 2013, the first in the Dominican Republic and the second in Ecuador. Participants were guided to integrate knowledge, data and methods from different scientific disciplines for the understanding of
a) risk and vulnerability to environmental change; and
b) the institutional factors that influence the range, feasibility, effectiveness, legitimacy and fairness of risk management and adaptation responses.
An understanding of the potential impacts of global change requires a melding of social and physical sciences. It demands not only policy decisions informed by robust scientific knowledge, but also an understanding of the institutional factors shaping policy responses.
The colloquia aimed at training current and future decision-makers in the integration of social and physical knowledge at the science-policy interface.
Hotel Plaza Naco
Presidente González No. 10, Av. Tiradentes, Ensanche Naco, Santo Domingo, R.D.
Tel: 809.541.6226