3011 |
Training and education in the context of the LBA Experiment |
CARLOS A. NOBRE carlos.nobre_AT_inpe.br |
Brazil |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais |
Brazil, Peru, USA, Venezuela |
100,000 |
3018 |
Effects of species and functional diversity on ecosystem function: A comparison between Arctic Tundra and a Temperate Grasslands/Shrubland System |
SANDRA MYRNA DIAZ sdiaz_AT_com.uncor.edu |
Argentina |
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba |
Argentina, USA, Venezuela |
116,000 |
3019 |
The impact of accelerated sea level rise on nutrient cycling and productivity in karst and deltaic ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Area: ecological and socioeconomic implications |
JOHN W. DAY JR. ceiday_AT_unix1.sncc.lsu.edu |
Louisiana State University |
Mexico, USA, Venezuela |
116,000 |
3022 |
Benefits of incorporating ENSO forecasts into reservoir operation and hydroelectric power distribution procedures |
PETER WAYLEN prwaylen_AT_geog.ufl.edu |
University of Florida |
Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, USA |
117,000 |
3029 |
UNAM-UCR-NCAR tutorial on regional weather and climate modeling for Latin America |
THOMAS T. WARNER warner_AT_ucar.edu |
National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Costa Rica, Mexico, USA |
27,000 |
3030 |
Applications of multiple lead-time climate predictions in the region of Central America and the Caribbean |
HENRY F. DIAZ henry.f.diaz_AT_noaa.gov |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Costa Rica, Mexico, USA |
81,000 |
3032 |
Variations in spatial and temporal precipitation patterns in the Trade convergence region |
MARIA CONCEPCION DONOSO mcdonoso_AT_bellsouth.net mcdonoso_AT_hotmail.com |
Panama |
Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe |
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Sri Lanka, USA |
103,000 |
3041 |
Estimation of ENSO effects on sugar cane yields in several Latin-American countries |
ANGEL UTSET SUASTEGUI utset_AT_main.isch.edu.cu |
Cuba |
Instituto Superior de las Ciencias Agrícolas de Habana |
Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela |
30,000 |
3051 |
Global change effects on biogeochemical and hydrological determinants of structure and function in Cerrado ecosystems |
AUGUSTO CESAR FRANCO acfranco_AT_unb.br |
Brazil |
Universidade de Brasilia |
Argentina, Brazil, USA |
116,200 |
3076 |
Relationships between the Antarctic Vortex dynamics; chemistry; ozone depletion and southern midlatitude stratosphere and upper troposphere |
PABLO O. CANZIANI pocanziani_AT_gmail.com |
Argentina |
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas |
Argentina, Uruguay, USA |
117,000 |
3077 |
A regional assessment of landuse impact on ecosystem function and structure in temperate areas of North and South America |
JOSE M. PARUELO paruelo_AT_agro.uba.ar |
Argentina |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, USA |
116,200 |
3082 |
Spawning habitat of small pelagic fish in relation to ENSO and global change |
DAVID M. CHECKLEY JR. dcheckley_AT_ucsd.edu |
Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Chile, Mexico, Peru, USA |
117,000 |
3089 |
An international study on the health effects of ENSO in the Americas |
ULISSES CONFALONIERI uconfalonieri_AT_gmail.com pmags_AT_ensp.fiocruz.br |
Brazil |
Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz |
Argentina, Brazil, USA |
87,300 |
3130 |
Earth system and global change education workshops: building IAI capacity with a science and education network |
DONALD R. JOHNSON donj_AT_ssec.wisc.edu |
Universities Space Research Association |
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Uruguay, USA |
117,000 |
3132 |
Comparative assessment of agricultural uses of ENSO-based climate forecasts in Argentina; Mexico and Costa Rica |
JAMES W. JONES jwj_AT_agen.ufl.edu |
University of Florida |
Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, USA |
117,000 |
3134 |
Natural and anthropogenic controls on the hydrology and biogeochemistry of a mesoscale Andean Amazon River catchment: integrating Andean Systems into basinwide investigation |
CARLOS A. LLERENA callerena_AT_lamolina.edu.pe |
Peru |
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina |
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Peru, USA |
117,000 |