IAI Newsletter 25/2001 Click here to download the complete issue Contents Editorial &ndash John Stewart Institutional information XV Meeting of the IAI Scientific Advisory Committee Interview with Mr. Roberto VIllalobos Scientific achievements Human Dimensions of Floods in the MERCOSUR Area &ndash Matilde Rusticucci, Silvina Solman & Claudia Natenzon Training and education  Report on the Workshop on LIDAR measurements in Latin America &ndash Alan Robock and Juan Carlos Antuña Regional Course &ldquoPreparing to face climate variability and extreme events in Central America. Practical use of forecasts&rdquo SACC/IAI Graduate student fellowships Miscellaneous Ice caps in Africa and Tropical South America likely to disappear within 15 years VAMOS/CLIVAR Conference on South American low-level jet Courses and congresses Calendar of events