IAI Newsletter 1/2009

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  1. Editorial &ndash Ione Anderson 
  2. Hot Air and Politics &ndash Holm Tiessen 
  3. IPCC: strengths, challenges and lessons for the future of science &ndash Ramón Pichs-Madruga 
  4. Adaptation to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean: the water sector &ndash Robert G.Varady, Christopher A. Scott, Gregg M. Garfin and Margaret Wilder 
  5. Influencing national and regional climate change policy &ndash Edwin Castellanos 
  6. Discussions on climate change research under the UNFCCC &ndash Rocio Lichte 
  7. Communicating Risk to Agricultural Producers &ndash Clyde Fraisse, Norman Breuer, J. Mauricio Fernandes, Julian Baez, Dirceu Gassen and Simona Cavazzuti 
  8. Tailored climate services &ndash IAI EditorialTeam 
  9. Biofuels, soybean and rural development in the La Plata basin: unprecedented change in Latin America&rsquos second largest watershed &ndash Marco Rondon 
  10. Ubatuba &mdash a trip to wonderland with reality in mind&hellip &ndash Peter M. Jørgensen, Sebastián K. Herzog & Marcella Ohira 
  11. Ecosystem services and climate change adaptation in the Andes &ndash Rodney Martínez Güingla