Webinar: Anticipatory Diplomacy and Nature-based Solutions in the Anthropocene

The webinar "Anticipatory Diplomacy and Nature-Based Solutions in the Anthropocene" will take place on 10 July 2024, from 12:00 to 13:30 (ARG). This event aims to integrate the power of scientific diplomacy and nature-based solutions to address one of the most pressing issues of our time: climate change.

About the event 

Scientific diplomacy has been identified as a crucial tool for strengthening the interface between science and policy and expanding cross-border collaboration. By fostering cooperation among scientific communities, policymakers, and stakeholders, scientific diplomacy is essential for addressing global challenges related to environmental sustainability, biodiversity loss, and climate change. This webinar aims to integrate scientific diplomacy and nature-based solutions to mitigate and adapt to environmental threats.

Nature-based solutions offer multiple benefits, such as carbon capture and flood protection, while also promoting social and economic development. However, their implementation faces controversies over land use and territorial conflicts. It is crucial to include the voices of local and indigenous communities to respect cultural heritage and environmental justice. Integrating these perspectives into decision-making through scientific diplomacy can enhance the effectiveness and legitimacy of these solutions, achieving more sustainable outcomes for the planet and its inhabitants.


  • Karina Pombo – International Consultant, OEI (Argentina)  
  • Ana Watson – Postdoctoral Associate at University of Calgary - STeP Alumni (Canada) 
  • Susan Benavides – Vice-president for Research and Outreach of the Universidad de América (Colombia)  
  • Julius Bright Ross – STeP Fellow and VISTANT contractor supporting USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USA)   
  • Ulsía Urrea Mariño – Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi - DiploCientífica (USA/México) 


  • María Inés Carabajal – STeP Fellow (Argentina) 

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwucOCqrTkjGdAk7ufzxu2Y3A24j4HDRmBX