Summaries in Spanish of Working Group II of the Sixth Assessment Cycle of the IPCC (AR6)

The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) is making Spanish translations of the summaries of the report of Working Group II of the Sixth Assessment Cycle of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) available to the public.

The report of Working Group II on the impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability of climate change points out the threats of climate change to human well-being and the health of the planet and highlights the urgency of addressing climate change to ensure a sustainable future for all. Without concerted global action, the document states that the window of opportunity to mitigate the impacts of climate change is rapidly closing.

According to the report, climate change's observed and future effects are disproportionately affecting the poorest people in each region. These communities lack the resources necessary to address the risks associated with rising temperatures, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.

The report highlights the interconnection between climate change, social justice, and development, highlighting the need to address these issues comprehensively. To avoid further losses, it is crucial to act now to both adapt to climate change and dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The original documents are available at:

1.- How climate change affects life on Earth. A summary for everyone - 

The first summary translated into Spanish is available at:

2.- Summary For All: How to Adapt to a Changing Climate

The first summary translated into Spanish is available at:

3.- Summary For All: How to secure a liveable future for all 

The first summary translated into Spanish is available at: