The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research participated in the Escola São Paulo de Ciência Avançada focusing on the co-design of biodiversity assessments ( Its Open Data Specialist, Matias Mastrangelo, and IAI Advisory Committee members Alexander Turra and Carlos Joly gave talks on the challenges and opportunities of biodiversity assessments in landscapes and seascapes, as well as intergovernmental platforms such as IPBES.
ESPCA's main objective is to train young scientists to design, collect, and analyze data on biodiversity, aimed at advising on effective policies and programs for the conservation and management of the environment and biodiversity. The School was organized by Thomas Lewinson of the University of Campinas and the Biota program of FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation).
Sixty young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, as well as technicians and analysts from governmental and non-governmental organizations, are participating in the School. Of these 60 participants, 30 are from Brazil and 30 are from 22 countries in four continents, who were selected from among more than 450 nominations received. The School is funded by FAPESP and takes place in São Pedro, state of São Paulo, between 27 October and 9 November 2024.
Mastrangelo's talk focused on the human and social dimensions of conservation and sustainable use of wild species, his area of expertise (see ). The researcher emphasized the importance of studying the behavior of people who use ecosystems and species to design management strategies that promote ecological and social sustainability. This message was illustrated with various case studies in the Argentine Chaco Seco, where the researcher is actively working on finding solutions to the processes of environmental and social degradation.
Alexander Turra, Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), IAI
Matías Mastrángelo, Open Data Specialist, IAI
Carlos Joly, University of Campinas, Science and Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC), IAI