

Transdisciplinary project for the design of an early response and

comprehensive against heat waves for people



Principal investigator (PI):

Ana Laura Torlaschi, Equipo de Salud Ambiental de la Dirección General de Salud Comunitaria del Ministerio de Salud del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Phone: +54 9 116 4 5566 46

Duration & funding:

(September 2023–2024) USD 15,000

Co-funding offered

USD 26,500

Participating countries: 



Heat waves and several events related to climate change impact the health of the entire population, with those at most significant risk being the most vulnerable. The City has an aging population with over 700 thousand people over 60 (PM). This age group presents socioeconomic heterogeneity and disparate vulnerability in the different sectors of the City with the consequent differential effects on health (1-3). In many countries, early warning systems and climate risk reduction and regional adaptation plans have worked to improve the population's quality of life and address specific threats (4-8). With our research, we propose to determine, in a transdisciplinary way, the governmental and non-governmental actors that intervene in the face of heat waves along with the needs and vulnerabilities of the PM with their disparate ways of aging within the City. This knowledge generated will allow us, with the existing tools and structures within the system, to design a comprehensive and timely response plan against heat waves that can take into account the heterogeneity of this population sector.