The IAI Directorate was pleased to invite national representatives and observers attending the 31st meeting of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Conference of the Parties to a science diplomacy side event held on 21 June 2023 at 17:00-18:30.
The objectives of this event were to present the vision, mission, and goals of the IAI’s recently launched Science Diplomacy Center (SDC), discuss regional case studies on science diplomacy, identify needs in capacity building and processes related to science-policy, and explore how the Center can best support national and regional priorities as identified by Parties. Other information on the SDC can be found here:
This side event not only facilitated the engagement with member states, but discussions also identified the top three (3) flagship activities of the Center for the next three (3) years. The event was designed to ensure active participation, facilitate dynamic discussions on specific topics related to science diplomacy and the role of the Science Diplomacy Center in the region, allowing for a diverse range of perspectives to be heard. This ensured that member states not only collaboratively designed the Center's initiatives, but also reinforced their ownership and engagement in the SDC's activities. Please see below a summary of the event and accompanying presentations: