New Policy Brief Highlights Key Advances in Climate, Environment, and Health Governance from CBD COP16

17 February 2025 

The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) has released a policy brief on the new Global Action Plan on Biodiversity and Health, adopted at the 16th Conference of the Parties (CBD COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 

Titled "CBD COP16 Brief: Advances in Governance of the Climate, Environment, Health Nexus," the publication sheds light on new implementation opportunities that align with the IAI’s Strategic Plan goals related to climate change, marine and coastal biodiversity, health, and diverse knowledge systems. 

The brief, informed by the IAI Directorate’s participation in CBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia (2024), provides a comprehensive overview of the most recent Decisions shaping global policies on biodiversity and health. Designed for a broad audience, including researchers, policymakers, community leaders, and practitioners, it aims to foster transdisciplinary collaborations that bridge the climate, environment, and health sectors. 

The brief is available for download in the at this link

IAI encourages widespread dissemination of this critical information among state officials, researchers, and stakeholders working at the intersection of science, policy, and biodiversity conservation.