Join our discussion on innovation and evidence at the intersection of climate and health


The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Latin America 21 and the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) invite you to the panel discussion “Science in Climate Action: Addressing Health Impacts”.

In this space we will explore the intersection between the science of climate change and public health, analyze how climate phenomena are affecting our well-being and discuss the measures we can take to mitigate and adapt to these effects and prevent their risks. 

Experts in climatology, health and public policy from Latin America will share innovative, evidence-based strategies that can help us face the challenges of climate change. 

The event will have Spanish-English interpretation.

12 June 2024

9:00-10:00 Guatemala

10:00-11:00 Panama

11:00-12:00 Dominican Republic

12:00-13:00 Argentina

Panelists include:

  • Anna Stewart-Ibarra – ecologist, serves as Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research.


  • Bárbara Tapia Cortés – meteorologist, serves as Technical Services Coordinator at the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Meteorological Organization. 


  • Gabriel Sánchez Rivera – specialized in sustainable development and is attached to the School of Geography of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 

Moderated by: 

  • Michele Catanzaro - physicist and journalist specializing in science and environment and associate professor of science journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He collaborates with media such as Nature and Science.

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