Climate change, health, and public policies: evidence from Lancet Countdown

An important discussion on the links between climate change, health, and public policies took place on April 24, 2024, in a joint event organized by the Universidad del Valle (UVG) through the Center for Environmental Studies and Biodiversity (CEAB), Lancet Countdown Latin America, and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).

Titled "Strengthening the nexus of climate change, health, and public policies: evidence from Lancet Countdown Latin America and the IAI," the event convened international experts and government officials to analyze the main findings of the 2023 Latin America Report from Lancet Countdown.

Presented by one of the lead authors, Stella Hartinger, a researcher specializing in environmental health, the report revealed alarming data on the increasing exposure to changing climatic conditions in the Latin American region. Luis Escobar, a professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech University and co-author of the report, shared his research on the impacts of climate change on health, focusing on the application of ecology and biogeography to the study of infectious diseases. David Morán, Associate Director of the Center for Health Studies at UVG, presented specific data for Guatemala, highlighting the significant increase in exposure to heatwaves and their adverse effects on health and labor productivity.

It was emphasized that all Latin American countries have experienced a rise in environmental temperatures, with significant impacts on public health, especially among vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. Additionally, the scientific diplomacy projects developed by members of the IAI's Science, Technology, and Policy Fellowship Program (STeP) were presented.

The event concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Anna Stewart-Ibarra, Executive Director of the IAI, which included experts from UVG and Virginia Tech and ministerial representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance of Guatemala. Key recommendations from the report were discussed, including the development of intersectoral public policies, the acceleration of the energy transition, and the increase in climate financing.

In summary, the event provided an important platform for analyzing the impact of climate change on health and exploring strategies to address these challenges in the Latin American region. 

The recording of the event is available at:



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