Biocombustibles en Argentina, entre necesidades energéticas e intereses agroindustriales.

Published in Revista Pampa, v. 1(4)

Carrizo, S.C.

Publication year 2008

CONICET Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, en el CEUR Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionale

IAI Program


IAI Project SGP-HD009


In Argentine, biofuels progress is related to a recent politic decision that makes compulsory its use, in a blend of gasoline with 5 % of bioethanol and gasoil with 5 % of biodiesel. At the same time, production&rsquos rules are established and they pretend to benefit small producers and regions with flat agricultural activity. Nevertheless biofuels have not become an energy source yet. They do not appear as a territorial development vector. Most of the current biofuel produced is biodiesel, elaborated from soybean by big oil industries that find in this, the opportunity to increase their production&rsquos value and their incomes with its exportation. This situation illustrates institutions&rsquo lack of engagement to change neither hydrocarbon energy model nor agro-exportator productive one and to revert inequity in territorial development.