Sandra Diaz


Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Sandra Diaz

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

IAI project: DIVERSUS: Links between functional diversity, ecosystems and social dynamics: a wrap-up of concepts, methods and baseline information (SGP-CRA 2015)

Dr. Diaz is Professor of Community and Ecosystem Ecology at Córdoba National University, Senior Principal Researcher of the National Research Council of Argentina, and the founder and director of the international initiative Núcleo DiverSus on Diversity and Sustainability. She is interested in plant functional traits and general patterns of functional specialization, their interactions with global change drivers and their effects on ecosystem properties. Recently she has had a strong influence in the theoretical development and practical implementation of the concept of functional diversity and how it affects ecosystem properties and the benefits that different people derive from them.